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If you’ve got enough money saved to fund, say, a chunk of a business; you can then find a bunch of other people to contribute the rest of the money you need. They’ll own a part of your business too; but you’ll have the cash you need to set things in motion. You get to launch your dream business. They get to be (and own) a part of it - #winning! This part they own is what the guys in suits call (drumroll): stocks.  

A stock is the same thing as an equity or a share – other fancy words to describe the ownership you have in a business.

And guess what – you’re not the only one who needs a little help from your friends. Even hotshots like Pick n Pay, Discovery and even major banks sell ‘bits’ of their company in order to grow and prosper. These stocks can be bought by the public (you), and as the company becomes more valuable/successful/profitable those stocks become worth more. Done the math yet? It’ll tell you that little ol’ you stands to make money from this stock stuff. More than what you would by letting your money sit in the bank.

Sign up with EasyEquities and you can do this online in a jiff. Then sit back and watch your money grow. OR if you want a little more info you can have a chat with one of the guys from Team #easy. They’ll sort you out! Lock stock and barrel. See what we did there?